Arthur A. Mendonsa Hearing Room
June 9, 2009 1:00 PM
Final Agenda

June 9, 2009 MPC Planning Meeting

The Georgia Conflict of Interest in Zoning Actions Statute (OCGA Chapter 67A) requires disclosure of certain campaign contributions made by applicants for rezoning actions and by opponents to rezoning actions. Contributions or gifts which in aggregate total $250.00 or more if made within the last two years to a member of the Metropolitan Planning Commission, City Council, or County Commission who will act on the request must by disclosed by applicants. Persons who oppose a rezoning request by speaking before these officials, by direct contact with these officials, or in writing to these officials must also disclose such contributions. Disclosure reports must by filed with either the Clerk of Council or the Clerk of the Chatham County Commissioners, as appropriate, by applicants within ten (10) days after the rezoning application is filed and by opponents at least five (5) calendar days prior to the first hearing by the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Failure to comply is a misdemeanor.

I. Call to Order and Welcome
II. Notices, Proclamations and Acknowledgements

1. MPC Finance Committee will meet on June 16 at 11:30 AM in the West Conference Room

III. Approval of Minutes of Previous Comprehensive Planning Meeting
2. April 14, 2009 MPC Planning Session Minutes
Attachment: 04 14 09 MPC PlanningMeetingMinutes (2).pdf

IV. Old Business
V. Regular Business
3. Unified Zoning Ordinance Update - Charlotte Moore
Attachment: MPC Thomson UZO Update 060909.pdf

4. Historic District Ordinance Revisions - Beth Reiter
Attachment: MPC Board Thomson HDRC 060909.pdf
Attachment: Public Meeting flyer.pdf

5. Executive Director's Report - Tom Thomson
6. Introduce Summer Interns - Dennis, Noel, and Beth
Attachment: MPC Board Thomson INterns 060909.pdf

VI. Other Business
VII. Adjournment